Molly Fee, PhD
Peer Reviewed:
Fee, Molly. forthcoming. "Displacing Refugees: Resettlement and the Reconstitution of Families." Social Problems.
Fee, Molly. 2024. "Once a Refugee, Always a Refugee? The Social Construction of Refugee Status after Resettlement." Ethnic & Racial Studies. Online first.
Fee, Molly. 2024. "Resettlement Knowledge: The Expertise of Service Providers." Refugee Survey Quarterly. Online first.
Fee, Molly. 2022. "Lives Stalled: The Costs of Waiting for Refugee Resettlement." Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48(11):2659-2677.
Fee, Molly and Rawan Arar. 2019. “What happens when the United States stops taking in refugees?” Contexts 18(2):18-23.
Fee, Molly. 2019. “Paper integration: The structural constraints and consequences of the U.S. refugee resettlement program.” Migration Studies 7(4):477-495.
Fee, Molly. 2017. “Pre-resettlement Experiences: Iranians in Vienna.” Forced Migration Review 54:23-24.
Fee, Molly. Believing in Light after Darkness: The Displacement of Refugee Resettlement. Under contract with University of California Press.
Arias, M. Beatriz and Molly Fee (Eds.). 2018. Profiles of Dual Language Education in the 21st Century. Clevedon, U.K.: Multilingual Matters.
Book Chapters:
Galli, Chiara and Molly Fee. 2023. “Refugees Welcome? Historicizing U.S. Resettlement and Asylum Policy.” In Global Atlas of Refugees and Asylum Seekers, Ana Vila Freyer and Ibrahim Sirkeci, eds., Transnational Press London.
Moore, Sarah C.K, Molly Fee, Jongyeon Ee, Terrence G. Wiley, and M. Beatriz Arias. 2014. “Exploring Bilingualism, Literacy, Employability, and Income Levels among Latinos in the United States.” Pp. 45-78 in The Bilingual Advantage: Language, Literacy, and the Labor Market, edited by R.M. Callahan and P.C. Gándara. Clevedon, U.K.: Multilingual Matters.
Fee, Molly, Nancy Rhodes, and Terrence G. Wiley. 2014. “Demographic Realities, Challenges, and Opportunities.” Pp. 6-18 in Handbook of Heritage and Community Languages in the United States: Research, Educational Practice, and Policy, edited by T.G. Wiley, J.K. Peyton, D. Christian, S.C.K. Moore, and N. Liu. New York: Routledge.
Public Sociology and Book Reviews:
Fee, Molly. 2025. "Halting refugee services endangers New Americans." The Hill.
Fee, Molly. 2023. "Review of Refuge: How the State Shapes Human Potential." British Journal of Sociology 74(1):109-111.
Fee, Molly. 2022. "Review of Race-ing Fargo: Refugees, Citizenship, and the Transformation of Small Cities." Ethnic and Racial Studies 45(8):1576-1578.
Higgins, Claire and Molly Fee. 2021. “The Risks of ‘In-Country’ Processing: An Assessment of the US Central American Minors Program.” Research Brief: World Refugee & Migration Council.
Fee, Molly. 2021. "President Biden must take more action for refugee resettlement." The Hill.
Fee, Molly. 2019. “Refugee Resettlement at a Time of Disruption.” World On the Move: Newsletter of the International Migration Section of the American Sociological Association.
Fee, Molly. 2018. “President Trump is Endangering Refugees.” Forced Migration Forum.
Sugarman, Julie, Molly Fee, and Anne Donovan. 2015. “Research in Progress: Center for Applied Linguistics.” Language Teaching 48(2):292-297.
Fee, Molly, Na Liu, Joanna Duggan, Beatriz Arias, and Terrence G. Wiley. 2014. “Investigating Language Policies in IB World Schools: Final Report.” The Hague: International Baccalaureate Organization.
Fee, Molly. 2013. “Review of Linguistic Justice: International Law and Language Policy.” Folia Linguistica, 47(2):579-583.
Wiley, Terrence G., Sarah C. Moore, and Margaret Fee. 2012. "A 'Languages for Jobs' Initiative." Policy Innovation Memorandum No. 24. Washington, DC: Council on Foreign Relations.